Vaidoso como sou, tenho por hábito pesquisar o meu nome via Google. Hoje apareceu isto. Não deixa de ser muito curioso. A saber:
Manuel A. Domingos, of Portugese descent, was born in the Azores in 1854 and came to the United States as a boy of ten. In 1898 or 1899 he left his job as a butter maker in California to join the gold rush to Alaska. Following one unsuccessful season on the Kobuk River, he moved on to York, a short distance southeast of Cape Prince of Wales on the Seward Peninsula. He never found much gold, but remained in the region as a tin miner.
The Manuel A. Domingos Papers consist primarily of Domingos's diaries, both in the original and as transcribed by Tom Christensen. Written in the vicinity of York, Alaska, in 1907-1910 and 1912-1915, the diaries provide commentary on people and events in the region's mining camps. Also found in the collection a small number of placer claim location notices (1903-1912) and miscellaneous itemized receipts for groceries and supplies.Agora só falta uma foto do Senhor para eu ficar mesmo assustado.
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